Message to COP27: Think Water

Water Policy Group urges all governments to integrate action on water and climate change at every level and calls on experts and organizations to support this ambition. We echo this week’s statement by Water and Climate Leaders  which challenged governments to acknowledge in the negotiated outcome document for COP27 the important contribution water can make …

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Address from Olcay Unver at the 2022 stakeholder consultation on the preparation of the United Nations 2023 Water Conference

On behalf of the Water Policy Group, Dr Olcay Ünver made an address during the 2022 stakeholder consultation on the preparation of the United Nations 2023 Water Conference. He presented two game-changing proposals on behalf of the Water Policy Group: (1) listening to national water leaders, and (2) mainstreaming water into all UN conferences. View the speech …

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Concept Note for a UN 2023 Water Conference Special Survey

The water leaders survey proposed in this concept note is intended to assist all relevant stakeholders (UN member states, inter-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and other non-state actors) to accelerate progress in achieving water objectives by informing discussions at the United Nations 2023 Water Conference. Read the Concept Note

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Vale Mark Pascoe – a global water leader lost too soon

Water Policy Group mourns the passing of Mark Pascoe, Chief Executive Officer of the International WaterCentre and Governing Council Chair of the Asia Pacific Water Forum. Water Policy Group member and fellow Australian Tony Slatyer, who had known Mark professionally for nearly 20 years, describes Mark as the epitome of effective leadership. “Mark was a great role …

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2022 Asia-Pacific Water Policy Report now available

The 2022 Asia-Pacific Water Policy Report was launched during the 2nd High Level International Conference on International Decade for Action, “Water For Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The Report highlights Asia-Pacific water issues for high level political leadership and policy makers’ attention. It aims to support countries in their efforts to achieve better water outcomes, …

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Listening to National Water Leaders in Africa

On Wednesday 23 March, Water Policy Group held a High-Level Panel at the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal. The panel was chaired by Water Policy Group member and Professor at Arizona State University, Dr Olcay Ünver, and included interventions by Ministers and high-level officials from five different countries. During the session, Dr Ünver …

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Dhesigen Naidoo speaks on World Water Day

Water Policy Group member Dhesigen Naidoo was invited on to the John Perlman Show, Radio 702, South Africa, on World Water Day. During this interview, he spoke about the state of South African water supply and infrastructure.

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